Aller au contenu
1 01. Akatsuki-no-YONA - Kunihiko Ryo
2 02. Road to Kouka Kingdom - Kunihiko Ryo
3 03. a place in the sun for HaK - Kunihiko Ryo
6 06. Akatsuki-no-YONA (Melancholy ver.) - Kunihiko Ryo
7 07. Peaceful days in Kouka Kingdom - Kunihiko Ryo
8 08. Decision of YONA - Kunihiko Ryo
10 10. Childhood in Kouka Kingdom - Kunihiko Ryo
13 13. Power of Four Dragons - Kunihiko Ryo
14 14. Akatsuki-no-YONA (Morning Dew ver.) - Kunihiko Ryo
15 15. Priest 'IkSu' - Kunihiko Ryo
16 16. Tales of Blue Dragon - Kunihiko Ryo
17 17. Jeaha, Elegy of Moonlight - Kunihiko Ryo
18 18. Yun & IkSu, Farewell - Kunihiko Ryo
19 19. Akatsuki-no-YONA (Promenade ver.) - Kunihiko Ryo
20 20. Village Fu-Ga - Kunihiko Ryo
22 22. Dear, Blue Dragon - Kunihiko Ryo
23 23. Akatsuki-no-YONA Final Chapter - Kunihiko Ryo
24 24. Legends of Four Dragons - Kunihiko Ryo
25 25. Akatsuki-no-YONA (Short ver.) - Kunihiko Ryo

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